Blog: Services

Nutrition Counselling (Homemade Diets)

Proper nutrition as well as achieving and maintaining your pet’s ideal weight, are crucial to their overall health. Our vets are happy to work with you to create a customized diet plan for your dog or cat, so they have the best fuel to keep them thriving. If you have...

Veterinary Spinal Manipulation Therapy (VSMT) Services

VSMT is a hands-on non-invasive therapy intended to improve joint range of motion and decrease pain in our animal companions. The primary goals of regular VSMT are to improve mobility and enhance quality of life. VSMT is offered by both licensed veterinarians and human chiropractors (DCs) who have successfully completed...

Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy weight is of utmost importance to all cherished pets' wellbeing. Like us, pets can gain too much weight and may need help to get back to their ideal weight range. Our veterinarians (who have holistic and conventional expertise) can help manage your pet’s weight in a safe...

Veterinary Exams

Regular veterinary checkups are vital to maintaining your pet’s good health and high quality of life. Preventative care can add so much to the quality of life for your pet. Unlike humans, our pets can’t tell us how they are feeling, so visits and exams are even more important. Regular...